Sunday, March 07, 2010

Welcome Home Matthew and William!

Matthew John and William Marc arrived on March 1st at 5:34pm and 5:38pm! Matthew was first, weighing 6lbs 8oz and William was 6lbs 10oz. They were both 18.25 inches "tall." We chose our brothers' names as the babies' middle names.

We had a great stay in the hospital and came home to a very happy big sister. Jillian was just THRILLED to meet her new brothers. She and Grandma made special cupcakes for us with all our names on them. Very sweet! Jillian has been such a fantastic big sister. She loves giving the babies kisses and little head rubs. She's even a pro at helping to burp them too. We couldn't be happier!

So far the babies seem to have their own look--but are starting to look more alike as the days go by. Matthew seems to be the more vocal baby whereas William is very laid back and lets his brother decide when it's time to eat. They are so good about eating and sleeping on a fairly predictable schedule. They sleep really well and are not bothered by each others crying or by other noises (such as Jillian running around playing.)

We couldn't be happier and are loving every moment with them. We are so lucky! Also, many kudos to Grandma for keeping us all fed and in clean clothes! :-)

1 comment:

matt said...

They are so adorable! I love all the big sis photos! Glad she's doing well! Good luck- I hope they sleep well for you!
