Sunday, November 23, 2008

Where has all the time gone?

I thought October flew by, but here we are already through most of November! I've been busy online researching for the holidays--everything from recipes to perfect toys for Jillian--all while trying to save a buck or two. I think we're just about done Christmas shopping too. If you were to open any given closet or cabinet in our house you'd probably find a gift hiding in there. Jillian told Santa, from afar, that she wanted "Cars" for Christmas. He nodded and said "Merry Christmas" to her--but she wouldn't go past the gate to sit on his lap. We'll try again.

We've enjoyed the fall weather, minus the wind, and have been trying to stay busy with indoor activities and as much outdoor play as we can on warm days. The weather seems to be colder this year than last year and much more windy than I remember. I'm looking forward to a little snow--only so Jillian can enjoy it while Mike and I complain about how cold it is while watching her. The things we tolerate for our children's happiness...

We are hosting my parents for Thanksgiving this year (more like allowing my mother to come and cook in my kitchen) and will be jetting off to Florida for 10 days on December 3rd. Mike has to work in Lakeland so Jillian and I will be tagging along to visit our empty house, some friends, and both sets of Grandparents. We're hoping to bring Jillian to the beach one day to build sandcastles and hunt for shells. Jillian is very excited for the flight down--this will be her 6th or so airplane trip and I think this time will be the most exciting for her. She flew last spring and was pretty excited but she is very much a fan of flight these days so it should even more exciting this time!

Here are some photos from the past few weeks...including one of Jillian "flying" her own Cessna at the National Air and Space Museum in DC. We hunted the museum for this airplane because Jillian kept saying "Jillian wants to drive an airplane!!!" This is when Mike and I realized we better start saving for flight lessons.

Jillian asked me to take her picture...she kept handing me pretend cameras so I finally went inside to get the real one. Cheeeeeese!

These next photos are at the National Museum of Natural History. Jillian really enjoyed all the animals. I think she thought she was at an indoor zoo.

These next two are of the new Ocean exhibit that opened last month. If you look close at the fish tank you'll see Nemo and Dory (two Nemo's actually.)

We then skipped over the National Mall to to the Air and Space Museum. Jillian was such a trooper! She really loved this museum...and wanted to climb in to all the airplanes (even the ones hanging on the ceiling.) We finally found her the Cessna and managed to capture a million dollar smile (quite literally.)

Here's the moment of discovery..."I'm doing it!"

And here's the million dollar smile (and the look she'll have at 16 when she wants to get her pilot's license):

1 comment:

Katharina said...

Her hair is beautiful! I love the curls!