Monday, November 09, 2009

Twin Update

18 weeks

21 weeks

My belly is growing by the minute! If you haven't heard already, the babies are BOYS! We found out at about 16 weeks and have been able to confirm it a couple more times since I have so many sonograms. Our latest sonogram showed them at 20 weeks, measuring about 19.5 weeks, and both weighing 11 ounces. Amazing technology. They were already snuggling up while playing footsies. I also got to see Baby A punch Baby B in the nose...we'll have to settle that once they're born! It's really quite amazing to see them grow each time I go in for a check up. As for me, I feel generally great but am starting to slow down. Lately my pelvic bone is aching and I'm having trouble finding a comfortable sleeping position. My blood pressure has remained about 90/54 which seems low but the doctor said because I'm a small person (thank you Doc) and because I'm carrying two babies that it's not a surprise to be that low. I'm just thankful it's not high because that could pose a huge risk on the babies. I do get easily winded though. I've also been told over and over that my cervix is "beautiful", which makes me laugh, but is a good thing because as the doctor said "it's like keeping the cork on the wine bottle."

1 comment:

Four Therons said...

Wowza! Look at the beautiful belly! Grow, babies, grow!