Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Air Show at Andrew's Air Force base

Recently we braved the pouring rain to watch the annual air show at Andrews Air Force base just outside of DC. The chance of rain that day was somewhere around 80% but we figured it was worth trying to go and see some planes! We had such an awesome time...soaking wet and everything...and were fortunate to see all the acrobatic airplanes doing their stunts (including an acrobatic helicopter) and of course the amazing Blue Angels show. This was Jillian's second air show--and once again, it was a big hit with her!

Finding some shelter under the wing of a plane

We could see the acrobatic planes from our "hiding" spot. Jillian was really enthralled with the plane doing "loop de loops" as Mickey would say.

There's Grandpa standing out in the pouring rain watching the plane...
This helicopter was called a "Stallion"...it was GINORMOUS!

So we took a little break inside one of the hangers--and found these crazy characters...I have no idea why they were there!

Jillian found some stray balloons to play with

Jillian and Grandpa posing with Grandpa's Coast Guard helicopter

Here she is in the rescue basket again (just like last April...I think we'll make this an annual photo op for every air show we go to!)

Jillian was just too pooped to stay awake--she fell asleep moments before the Blue Angels started their show and slept through the entire show! We couldn't believe it...with all the "thunder" and fly-bys she barely flinched.
The Blue Angels (4 of 6)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.